Note that all book covers are copyright their publishers and the artwork is copyright of the artist.
Most of these were made available by or by the publisher.
Shards of Honor Baen, US 0-671-72087-2 (Jun 86)
Ethan of Athos Baen, US 0-671-65604-X, (Dec 86)
Falling Free Baen, US 0-671-65398-9, (Apr 88)
Brothers in Arms Baen, US 0-671-69799-4, (Jan 89)
The Vor Game Baen, US 0-671-72014-7, (Sep 90)
The Warrior's Apprentice Baen, US 0-671-72066-X, (Feb 91)
Barrayar Baen, US 0-671-72083-X, 1st Printing (Oct 91)
Borders of Infinity Baen, US 0-671-72093-7, (Oct 91)
The Spirit Ring Baen, US 0-671-72142-9, {HardBack} (Nov 92)
Mirror Dance Baen, US 0-671-72210-7, {HardBack} (Mar 94)
Cetaganda Baen, US 0-671-87701-1, {HardBack} (Jan 96)
Memory Baen, US 0-671-87743-7, {HardBack} (Oct 96)
Komarr Baen, US 0-671-87877-8, {Advance Reader's Edition} (Feb 98)
Komarr Baen, US 0-671-87877-8, {HardBack} (Jun 98)
A Civil Campaign Baen, US 0671-57827-8, {HardBack} (Sep 99)
Diplomatic Immunity Baen, US 0743-43533-8, {HardBack} (May 02)
Young Miles Baen, US 0-671-87782-8, {TradePaper} (Jun 97)
Miles, Mystery and Mayhem Baen, US 0-671-31858-6, {HardBack} (Dec 01)
Miles Errant Baen, US 0-743-43558-3, {HardBack} (Sep 02)
The Vor Game Baen, US 0-671-72014-7, 4th Printing New Cover (Mar 96)
The Warrior's Apprentice Baen, US 0-671-72066-X, (Mar 97)
Ethan of Athos Baen, US 0-671-65604-X, (Jul 97)
Borders of Infinity Baen, US 0-671-57829-4, Limited $1.99 edition, (Sep 99)
Falling Free Baen, US 0671-57812-X, New Cover (Jun 99)
The Spirit Ring Baen, US 0-671-57870-7, 3rd Printing, New Cover (May 00)
Shards of Honor NESFA, US 1-886778-20-5, {HardBack} (Edited by Suford Lewis) (Aug 00)
The Warrior's Apprentice NESFA, US 1-886778-27-2, {HardBack} (Edited by Suford Lewis) (2001)
Barrayar (SFBC), no more details
Shards of Honor The Readers Chair, US 1-885585-00-4, {Unabridged Audio} (Feb 97)
Barrayar The Reader's Chair, US 0-885585-01-2, {Unabridged Audio} (Aug 97)
The Warrior's Apprentice The Reader's Chair, US 0-885585-01-2, {Unabridged Audio} (Dec 97)
Barrayar Fictionwise, {ebook} (3 Dec 01)
The Warrior's Apprentice Fictionwise, {ebook} (17 Dec 01)
The Vor Game Fictionwise, {ebook} (7 Jan 02)
Falling Free Fictionwise, {ebook} (14 Jan 02)
The Spirit Ring Fictionwise, {ebook} (11 Mar 02)
Ethan of Athos Fictionwise, {ebook} (29 Apr 02)
© 2001-2002 by Michael Bernardi
Current version by Michael Bernardi,
The Bujold Overflow Site
Bujold Cover Art
The Bujold Nexus.
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Last updated: May 15th 2002