(Comments from Lois)
I suppose I could add a bit about the backgrounds, to those photos which have 'em.
© 2005 by Carol Collins
My first thought on these is, "Not bad for 54!" And on Day-Something of a high-stress Worldcon at that. Beth is so clever. Not much to say about the background in these shots, which was Locus's suite in the Boston Sheraton where Beth had set up her equipment to take portraits of as many SF notables as she could fit in. I can, however, provide a guide to the Necklace.The necklace I am wearing in these shots was custom-designed for me by a friend and art jewelry crafter here in Minneapolis, Elise Matthesen. http://lioness.net/. Earlier in the summer I was looking at the box on my dresser of award nominations pins that had accumulated over the years, thinking "Thirteen tie tacks and no neckties.
Deconstruct the subtext of this one, grrls..." So I gathered them all up and took them to Elise, and begged her to do something cool, which she indeed did.The necklace is in the form of seven woven silver wire links, which mount and secure the tie tacks and others items. The small decorative stars are hematite. From the viewer's left (my right) around, they are:
Link 1: 1 Hugo nomination pin, year unknown (not visible in these 3/4 view shots).Link 2: 1 heart-shaped sapphire in a bottle for A Civil Campaign from the, natch, Sapphire Award folks; 1 Nebula pin (the oval that looks like a cat's eye; it's actually a reverse spiral galaxy in black inlay with a sort of comet-looking pattern); 1 Hugo pin.
Link 3: 2 Hugo pins, (1 gold dated 1992, one gray steel oversized) These are actually identifiable. The gold rocket is from Orlando and the nomination of Barrayar, which won that year; the gray steel one is from Chicon V and the nomination of The Vor Game the year prior, my first Hugo win in the novel category.
Link 4 (central): my SFWA gold membership pin (a distinction due Nebula winners which was invented before SFWA took up nomination pins), 1 Hugo pin (the newest, for Paladin of Souls; Elise left space and installed it at Boston, where I got it in my nominee's packet and she had a table in the Dealer's Room.)
Link 5: strange little shrunken head, Howard Lovecraft pin for World Fantasy nomination (for The Curse of Chalion), pin designed by Gahan Wilson, 1 Hugo pin.
Link 6: 2 Hugo pins, 1 Nebula pin. One of the Hugo pins is dated 1990, which presumably must have been for a 1989 work, which would make it my very first Hugo ever, for the novella "The Mountains of Mourning" from the Den Haag Worldcon. Which I did not get to attend, but my Baen editor Toni Weisskopf wrestled the big one home for me through several international Customs, bless her.
Link 7: 1 Hugo pin, not dated.
Nebula nomination pins have only lately started being given to the nominees, so I deduce the two on the necklace are for A Civil Campaign and Diplomatic Immunity.
Some more shots of the necklace, and other goodies, are up on Elise's website at: http://lioness.net/people/people.html. Click on the small shots to get the BIG close-ups, which show, among other things, the intricacy of the wire-work.
© 2004 by Beth Gwinn,
The only thing to note in these two is the nice Hugo nomination pin, which is in the shape of a rocket, on my collar. I have a collection of eight of those, now.
This photo was taken in a corner of my office, which is a converted bedroom in my very prosaic 1960 suburban residence, but it does have a nice window looking out west into the trees of my back yard. The bookshelf holding my foreign editions archive is behind me, a short filing cabinet in front. The book I'm holding open is the Easton Press leather-bound edition of Borders of Infinity.
This photo is in a corner of my living room next to my fireplace; if the photo had extended to the left, the wall would turn and there would be a large glass door leading out onto my deck. One of the rather odd little fireplace shelves may be seen holding the Hugo I received in Glasgow for Mirror Dance and a Nebula; I have that Hugo and my Mythopoeic lion on it now, the Nebulas having gone to the cabinet in my dining area. There are two more of these little shelves going up in a diagonal across the fireplace bricks, also full now. The picture on the wall behind me is Gary Ruddell's original cover painting for Mirror Dance. The thing on the hearth that looks like a small planet Jupiter is a collector's award from Barry R. Levin, for most collectable author of 1995, the world's only floor model SF award. The Hugo I won for The Vor Game, my only acrylic rocket, is parked next to it for photo purposes. I'm sitting in a rocking chair from my Grandfather McMaster's old lake cottage, a family piece which probably dates back to the turn of the 20th Century. I don't much use it, as it's designed for someone with longer legs, but it does hold fond memories.
This picture is at my glass-topped dining room table, recently purchased at that time and still, miraculously, not broken yet. It's got a pair of gargoyles, heh. The built-in cabinet housing gifts, mementos, my Nebulas and Locus Awards, and even a bit of working glassware, may be seen over my shoulder. Door out to the garage on the far right. I'm holding my Baen coffee mug, which was that year's publicity trinket; I still use it.
This picture is another in the corner of my office in front of the archive shelves, just with me facing the other way.
We attempted the traditional Author and her Cat photo, but the felines weren't cooperating that evening. Leaping from my lap is the late Snickers. Mike, the less athletic kitty who is just sitting there looking oppressed, has also passed on now. (The shirt is not actually that purple, and the chair is not that blue.)
© 1996-2002 by David Dyer-Bennet
This one was taken in Marion, Ohio, sometime in the late 80's. I have forgotten the name of the local portrait studio that took it. I still have that vest (waistcoat in Britspeak), tho' it is now old and faded.
This was a Halloween costume made by my mother in my teens, recycled as a convention costume when I was 19 or 20 or so... picture by Ron Miller. Very early Bujold, though I was starting to try to write even then.
My friend Ron Miller took this photo, and the negatives recently re-surfaced in his files. I'm guessing a date around late 1968 or early '69 on this. Too bad the focus isn't quite sharp enough to read the titles on the bookshelf behind me, though I think I recognize a couple of them (one is certainly Collected Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay; I can make out the shape of the lettering on the spine. I still have that one.) The Trek interest is, snerch, obvious enough; less obvious is the fact that the poster on the door to my right (viewer's left) is from the Ballantine paperback edition of The Lord of the Rings, which I first read in 1965. Science fiction and fantasy, and early modern geekdom and aspiring artists/writers; it was all there in microcosm, I suppose. On both sides of that camera. I must have built that model from a kit; I can't now figure out if the Spock poster was homemade or commercial. Fandom was more of a do-it-yourself world back then.
© 1969-2004 Ron Miller
All comments are © 2002-5 by Lois McMaster Bujold
Current version by Michael Bernardi, mike@dendarii.co.uk
Dendarii Photo Archive
The Bujold Nexus.
All comments or queries about this Web page to: webmaster@dendarii.co.uk
Last updated: August 27th 2005