This section incorporates Folk Tales inspired by the work of Lois McMaster Bujold. Please send in your own material to
In a posting to the Lois-Bujold mailing list on 16 Oct 97 Lois McMaster Bujold said:
Yes, I am a fan-ac friendly author; I did indeed write fan-fic in my teens. Recent legal concerns in genre fiction have rather thrown a wrench in the deal. In general, it's considered safer for a writer not to view fan fic centered on their work, so lately, and most reluctantly, I've taken to avoiding it. Feel free to write amongst yourselves, though.
And this was further clarified on list on 30 Nov 01 when she said:
I ignore the existence of fanfic based on my universe.
Don't ask, don't tell, and don't bring it to my attention.
In a saner world, I would prefer to be fanfic friendly. But until I have
saved up enough money to retire on (and I have a long way to go to that
goal), there are apparently legal pitfalls here that could cost me a great
deal. I am, with the greatest reluctance and distaste, gradually being
forced to become more cautious.
Ta, Lois.
© 2002-2003 by Michael Bernardi
Current version by Michael Bernardi,
The Bujold Overflow Site
The FanFic Archive
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Last updated: August 29th 2004