Miles Vorkosigan/Naismith:
His Life And Times

by John W. Braue, III

This timeline does not include every possible datum that could be extracted from LMB's works. Neither is it intended to be in any way definitive; it was compiled by me, without LMB's permission or assistance, and must therefore be considered to be fanfic at best.

Early 3rd millenium 1
Alpha and Beta Colonies
Invention of Necklin Drive, exploiting natural wormholes.
c. 2300
Firsters arrive on Barrayar. Connection to rest of wormhole nexus disappears. Time of Isolation begins.
c.2500 - 2700
Bloody Centuries on Barrayar. Rise and establishment of native feudalism.
c. 2525
A Kosigan is created Vor on Barrayar. 2
c. 2550
Settlement of Athos.
c. 2575
Uterine replicator a working device. Creation of quaddies and hermaphrodites. 3
c. 2600
Falling Free. Invention of artificial gravity on Beta Colony. The reigning Emperor Vlad Vorbarra weds Lady Vorlightly on Barrayar *.
c. 2645
Birth/creation of Lisbet Degtiar. 4
late 27th century
Dorca Vorbarra accedes to (or seizes) the Barrayaran throne. Unification of Barrayar. Birth of Yuri and Xav Vorbarra. 5
c. 2690
Birth of "Ry" Ryoval, later Baron Ryoval. 6
Piotr Vorkosigan born. 7
Ezar Vorbarra born. 8
c. 2703
New wormhole connection to Barrayar via Komarr discovered. Time of Isolation ends.
c. 2705
Creation of Lily Durona I. 9
2713 - 2733
First Cetagandan War. Cetagandan invasion and occupation of Barrayar.
c. 2720
Birth/creation of Fletchir Giaja. 10
Birth of Georish Stauber, later Baron Fell.
Aral Vorkosigan born. 11
c. 2735
Death of Dorca Vorbarra; accession of his son, "Mad" Yuri. 12
Birth/creation of Lotus Durona, later Baronne Bharaputra.
Padma Vorpatril born. 13
Cordelia Naismith born. 14
Yuri attempts to exterminate all other descendants of Dorca Vorbarra; death of Aral's mother and elder brother. Piotr Vorkosigan and Xav Vorbarra back Ezar Vorbarra in Mad Yuri's Civil War
2739 - 2741
Mad Yuri's Civil War. At its end, Yuri is killed and Ezar assumes the throne. 15
c. 2740
Birth of Serg Vorbarra.
"Ry" Ryoval assassinates his father and seizes power. Lily Durona and Georish Stauber escape from him.
c. 2745
Fletchir Giaja accedes to the Cetagandan thone. 16
Birth of Simon Illyan.
Birth of David Galen (a/k/a Duv Galeni).
Birth of Etienne Vorsoisson.
Birth of Gregor Vorbarra.
Barrayaran conquest of Komarr.
Shards of Honor. Sergyar discovered. Aral Vorkosigan and Cordelia Naismith meet, fall in love, and wed. Serg Vorbarra killed.
Barrayar. Death of Ezar and accession of Gregor Vorbarra. Aral Vorkosigan named Regent. Vordarian's Pretendership: Padma Vorpatril, Princess Kareen, and Vidal Vordarian (among others) are killed. Birth of Ivan Vorpatril, Miles Vorkosigan, Elena Bothari, and Ekaterin Vorvane (later Vorsoisson).
Komarr Revolt.
Birth/creation of Mark Vorkosigan.
Creation of Taura.
c 2787
Aral Vorkosigan steps down from the Regency, becomes Prime Minister.
The Warrior's Apprentice. Death of Piotr Vorkosigan; Konstantin Bothari killed. Elena and Basil Jesek wed.
Birth of Nikolai Vorsoisson.
"The Mountains of Mourning"
The Vor Game. Vervani War; Hegen Hub Alliance defeats Cetaganda.
Cetaganda. Cetagandan Empress Dowager Lisbet Degtiar dies.
Ethan of Athos.
"Labyrinth". The Quaddie musician Nicol is seen.
"The Borders of Infinity"
Brothers in Arms
The Borders of Infinity (frame).
Mirror Dance. Cetagandan occupation of Marilac ends. Miles is killed, temporarily. Baron Ryoval is killed, permanently. Aral Vorkosigan steps down from the Prime Ministership (for health reasons), is named Viceroy of Sergyar.
Memory. Miles is medically discharged (as an alternative to being cashiered) from the Barrayaran Armed Forces. Simon Illyan is afflicted by an uncertain force; as a result, Miles is first temporarily, and then permanently, named an Imperial Auditor. Elli Quinn is promoted to Commanding Admiral of the Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet (which remains a covert arm of Barrayaran Imperial Security).
Komarr. Miles meets and falls in love with Ekaterin Vorsoisson. Death of her feckless first husband, Etienne Vorsoisson.
A Civil Campaign. Gregor marries Laisa Toscane (loud cheering and muffled sighs of relief from almost everyone). Miles and Ekaterin, Duv and Delia Koudelka are engaged (and possibly the rest of the Blonde Commando team). Rene Vorbretten's right to his Countship is challenged but confirmed; Dono (nee Donna) Vorrutyer defeats Richars for the Vorrutyer Countship. The loon Count Vorfolse and the insufficiently cunning Count Vormuir make appearances.
Diplomatic Immunity. Miles and Ekaterin have been married for "a year and a half"; their first children, Aral Alexander and Helen Natalia, are about to be born (by uterine replicator). Events take Miles and Ekaterin to "Quaddiespace", the Union of Free Habitats, where Bel Thorne is partnered with Nicol.

© 1999-2002 by John W. Braue, III (

Current version by Michael Bernardi,

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Last updated: May 19th 2002